About Us

Jatrans Motor Rent – Trusted Motorbike Rental in Kualanamu Medan.

Discover Medan with Our Reliable Motorbike Rental Service!

About Us.


JATransMotoRent.com is a company that operates in vehicle rental / motorbike rental services in the city of Medan. We are the solution for those of you who are looking for cheap and quality motorbike rental. Our motorbike fleet is available from a variety of the latest motorbike brands with well-maintained engines and maintained cleanliness to ensure your comfort while using a rental motorbike in Medan.

Jatransmotorent.com is the right choice for those of you who need a simple, fast and economical vehicle to traverse the busy and busy streets of Medan.

JATransMotoRent.com is also part of PT Jatrans Rent Car Indonesia which previously focused on Medan Car Rental services.